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SriLankan Airlines Greets New Spring

  • 2009-05-07
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:109
The conflict with the LTTE which has affected the north of the country for over two decades is rapidly nearing its end. The government has managed to take control of the LTTE strongholds in the north-east of Sri Lanka, restricting LTTE to a narrow 8 kilometers strip in the north- east of the country.

As the conflict is drawing to an end in the north, there is a sense of relief among all citizens that peace, prosperity and development is close at hand. Sri Lankan tourism industry is going to greet new spring. SriLankan Airlines is trying to cooperate with Sri Lanka Tourism and hotels to work out promotional activities, aimed at primary markets such as China, France, Germany, and UK for the summer. A post card campaign will be launched, where 250,000 post cards will be distributed among visitors while a discount booklet will also be simultaneously distributed with over 50 discount offers from a range of hotels, shopping malls etc.

The beaches in the east are one of the best in Sri Lanka, while Arugam Bay is famous as one of the best surfing destinations in the world. There will be several exciting events coming up this year including the Hikkaduwa Beach Fest, Negombo Beach Fest, the Jazz Festival, Tea Festival, and the Kandy Festival.

上一篇:美国捷蓝航空4月客流量下降2.7% 下一篇:猪流感来袭 中国航空业回暖进程生变