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Opodo integrates LCCs into flight search

  • 2008-09-28
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:23
(26 September 2008) Opodo has announced partnerships with a number of low-cost carriers, including easyJet, in response to increased demand for cost-effective travel options.

As well as easyJet, it has linked up with Monarch, Jet2, Sterling and Wizz Air. More low-cost carriers will be added over the next few months coming months.

Itineraries from the five airlines have been integrated into the flight search and feature alongside Opodos current airline partners. All five carriers are new to Opodo.

Andrew Wilson, commercial director at Opodo, said the current economic climate provides the perfect opportunity for Opodo to launch its new low-cost flight options.

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