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First class travellers to US to get JAL suites

  • 2008-06-12
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:26

JAL is to introduce its top-of-the-range first class suites and new business class seats when it launches its new 777-300ER aircraft on US routes this August.

Each of the eight suites on board has 20% more room than the current first class seating areas and comprises of a compartment that has an arm chair with five-inch wide padded arm rests which retract as the seat converts to a 180 flatbed. As the seat goes back it combines with an ottoman at the opposite end of the compartment to create a large sleeping area.

The new business class seat, the JAL Shell Flat Neo Seat, will also be introduced on the 777s alongside the JAL Sky Shell Seat in premium economy and new seats in economy too.

The new planes will operate every other day on the Tokyo to New York route on August 1 and will fly daily from August 11. From September 13 they will be used on the Tokyo-San Francisco route and from April next year on the Tokyo to Chicago and Los Angeles routes.

上一篇:漫步在突尼斯 钟爱地中海骄人阳光 下一篇:柏林航空增加至哥本哈根和赫尔辛基航班