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Lufthansa and Amadeus claim they’re trying to work it out

  • 2008-06-06
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:10
Wednesday, 4 June 2008:As Lufthansa and Amadeus continue to disagree on their GDS offerings and the new fees that are part of the Lufthansa Preferred Fares Program, the two companies have said that theyre trying to work it out.

Recently, there has been a widely-published debate between the two companies regarding the introduction of Lufthansas Preferred Fares Programme, said the companies in a joint statement.

The joint aim of Amadeus and Lufthansa is to reach a long-term agreement leading to competitive conditions for Amadeus travel agents which extends well into 2009 and beyond, it continues.

Both companies are working to achieve that objective before 1st of July.

Earlier in the year Lufthansa had lifted rates in its home market unless agents had paid a fee to enter into its Preferred Fares Program.

Amadeus and Lufthansa have a long history of working successfully together both on travel distribution and the implementation of major IT projects. During this history, the two companies have developed a far-reaching relationship based on a principle of long-term partnership, the two companies added.

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