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easyJet uses Windows Server 2008 technology for its website

  • 2008-03-05
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:35
Published: 04 Mar 2008: easyJet is deploying a range of Microsoft server technology, in particular the IIS7 web browser, for its website.

According to itpro.co.uk, the airline estimates that even an additional 1% conversion of visitors would increase revenue by 17 million.

The site will enable visitors to do is to choose a destination, view it via Microsoft Virtual Earth, and see all of the hotels and points-of-interest within a defined radius. This leverages the new geo-spacial data types that are present in SQL Server 2008.

Paul Curtis, head of application architecture at easyJet, told the publication, "Rather than having to store lots of complex data, what they were able to do was interface with Virtual Earth to draw a polygon representing the distance that could be travelled and show all the points of interest within it."

"One of the key things we always try to do is improve the response time for users. As well as fine tuning the database, we want to make the web platform is as responsive as possible. While the stuff were looking to do is very cool, it comes at a price because the web page becomes a lot heavier, so thats when the execution times becomes vital."

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