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Lufthansa still to decide on Alitalia

  • 2007-12-11
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:2
Monday, 10 December 2007: German carrier Lufthansa has yet to make a decision on a possible non-binding offer for Alitalia, even after management said it was able to make a decision without being first approved by the supervisory board. "We are monitoring the situation and have not yet made a decision on an offer," a spokeswoman for the airline said. Italian based Alitalia has suffered numerous set-backs in finding a buyer for almost a year after the Italian Treasury’s 49.9 per cent stake collapsed in July.The carrier has been promising to find a partner since early November but has since failed to do so. In a previous statement earlier this year, Lufthansa Chief Executive Wolfgang Mayrhuber said the airline would not acquire a financial “milestone” that would weigh on its finances.

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