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Best Flights launches LCC booking engine

  • 2007-07-11
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:7
Date posted: 09-Jul-07: Australian online travel company, Best Flights, launched the worlds first live Low Cost Carrier booking engine, delivering access to 30 of the worlds LCCs. The addition of the growing Low Cost Carrier inventory builds on Best Flights range of international, negotiated airfares, all available online. The site already delivers access to many of the major LCCs, including Tiger Airways, Ryanair, easyJet, JetBlue, Virgin Blue, and Freedom Air. By the end of the year, the number of LCCs available will increase to 100. “Best Flights is thrilled to bring the low cost revolution live to a computer near you,” said Best Flights spokesman, James Gaskell. “This is a huge opportunity for consumers to unlock the travel revolution which the advent of low cost carriers has delivered and secure major savings as a result. Whether you’re looking for domestic or international deals to mainstream hubs, or out of the way places, Best Flights is the only place to go.” “There’s no doubt that low cost carriers continue to make their presence felt and travellers would be mad not to look to take advantage of this growing phenomena.? More than 550 million seats were sold on nearly 4 million flights on Low Cost Carriers in 2006, which is almost 17%, and that’s set to increase.”

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