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87% of professionals take their PDAs to bed: Sheraton

  • 2008-09-22
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:6
Friday, 19 September 2008: In a new survey, it has been found that our technologically-obsessed society sees 87% of professionals have confessed to taking their PDAs to bed.

Tying in with the Sheraton launch of Link@Sheraton experienced with Microsoft, the new survey into trends of business travellers, has found some startling figures, with 87% of professionals taking their PDAs to bed, 84% checking their emails before they sleep, 85% checking their emails in the middle of the night, and 80% checking them before their first coffee in the morning.

Even more startling, 35% of respondents chose their Personal Digital Assistants to their spouse.

The further integration of email into everyday lift has made more respondents feel like they are connected to work 24/7, though on the upside 85% also say that it makes them feel more connected to family when travelling on business.

New technology continues to transform the way we live and work, says Sheraton. The study was conducted by STUDYLOGIC LLC, who surveyed 6500 workplace professionals via phone with an individual income of [US]$50K+, 2+ business trips per year and a Blackberry or mobile email device.

Sheratons Link@Sheraton product offers a lobby lounge which offers free Wi-Fi, internet computer stations, video-chat enabled machines, TVs and daily papers for guests.

Other findings include 85% of respondents saying that PDAs and cell phones allow them to spend more time out of the office, and that despite all odds 62% of users love their PDAs.

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