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BA and Ryanair see load factors decline

  • 2007-07-10
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:1
05 July, 2007: British Airways says it is too early to gauge the effect of last weekends failed terrorist attacks on Glasgow airport and London. The airlines load factor in June declined by 1.4 percentage points to 80.5% year-on-year. Meanwhile, Ryanair saw its load factor drop by 2% to 85% in June against the same month last year. BA saw lucrative premium business rise by 1.4% against a decline in economy traffic of almost 2%, mainly on North Atlantic and short haul domestic routes. This compared with an increase of 5.7% at the same time in 2006 "Market conditions are broadly unchanged," the airline said. "However, it is too early to assess the impact of the latest security measures at UK airports on forward bookings."

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